Here is a list of topics that we plan to cover in the class.
Unit 1: Type systems
- Functional programming in Ocaml
- Type systems
- Research discussion: Types for information flow.
Unit 2: Data flow analysis and abstract interpretation
- Data flow analysis as graph reachability
- Logical abstract interpretation
- Numerical abstract domains: interval, polyhedra, and octagon domains
- Research discussion: Robustness analysis of neural networks.
Unit 3: Model Checking
- Temporal logics
- SPIN: explicit-state model checking
- Research discussion: Dynamic partial order reduction.
Unit 4: SAT and SMT solvers
- SAT-solving
- First-order logic
- Decision procedures: Theory of equality, linear arithmetic
- Research discussion: Syntax-guided synthesis.
Unit 5: Deductive verification
- Hoare logic: partial and total correctness
- Connections with abstract interpretation
- Research discussion: Separation logic in Viper.
Unit 6: Sytematic program testing
- Bounded model checking
- Concolic testing
- Research discussion: SAGE: whitebox fuzzing.
Unit 7: Software model checking
- The SLAM approach to software model checking
- Research discussion: Lazy abstraction with interpolants.
Unit 8: Invariant synthesis
- Abstract interpretation (again)
- Template-based invariant generation
- Research discussion: ICE-learning.
Unit 9: Program synthesis
- Program sketching
- Example-directed synthesis: FlashMeta, Lambda2
- Research discussion: Type-directed synthesis: Synquid
- Research discussion: Neural program synthesis: Deepcoder and Bayou